Everyone wants to work on raspberry pi 5 and importantly to know about the OS and how that OS installations work and here is the answer for your search in this blog we cover all steps required at the time of installation.
So Now here We start with our blog so stay tuned for more details about the process
Disk will be formatted and will be ready for OS installation
1. Download the raspberry pi imager for windows from raspberry pi official web site
2. Install the imager
1. Open Imager and Select the following setting
2. Choose device raspberry pi 5
3. Choose operating system Raspberry Pi OS
4. Select the storage
5. Setup the User and Password just save it properly and provide Wi- fi name and password
6. Click YES on confirmation message
7 Start downloading OS
Once OS installation is completed remove SD card from card reader and insert it in raspberry pi 5
Connect keyboard, mouse, and desktop HDMI and supply to Raspberry pi 5
Connect the desktop to raspberry pi using micro-HDMI converter
Connect mouse, keyboard, power supply to raspberry pi 5
Turn ON raspberry pi 5
Connect it to Wi-Fi or Hotspot
Open the terminal
1 Sudo apt update
2 Sudo apt upgrade
That’s how Raspberry pi 5 setup completed now we can operate it like pc, program it, or do any other function according to our need we can install various game code editor we can also use it for embedded project.
Watch detailed video on YouTube: – https://youtu.be/jqFQkm45vJI
Watch How to setup Raspberry pi on Laptop: – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4EJaIPc4eE&t=12s
Place the raspberry pi in its case and connect Fan pins to pi board if you’re not using case use active cooler place it accordingly and connect it to pi.
Make sure all connections are proper